When updating/deleting a user/client/resource AdminUI is unable to perform the action and a CORS error is in the console.
If you can sign in but not update users/clients/resources then you may have something blocking PUT/DELETE requests on your environment
I have installed AdminUI, but it is in a foreign language.
The website uses your browser culture to check what language to display. You can either change your browser language or change the route to use your preferred culture of choice: e.g: http://YourAdminUI-UI/en-GB.
I’m getting a HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Service Error when starting AdminUI.
Please download and run the dotnet core hosting bundle.
For those on AdminUI 3.x.x and above please use the following link:
If you are running AdminUI 2.6 and below please use the following link:
If this fails to work and your configuration looks correct please send us a copy of your UI or API logs to support@identityserver.com and we will be able to help as soon as possible.
When I start AdminUI I see a red toaster error message: “Unable to contact API”
Your UI configuration is potentially misconfigured, make sure that the ApiUrl configuration is setup correctly in both your configuration and at: wwwroot/assets/env.js .And ensure that the site is accessible from that url (you can check this by navigating to yourapiurl/swagger)
API site not running? Enable logging for your AdminUI API.
When starting the UI I get the following message - “An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (Failed to start 'npm')”
This is due to your ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT being set to “Development”. to change this set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable to “Production” Either in your appsettings.json or your web.config
My license key is invalid, what do I do?
Please ensure that you have only copy pasted the Base64 string. Example:
Ensure there are no additional characters before or after the license key.
If your license key has expired or is setup against an AuthorityUrl you did not expect. Please contact support@identityserver.com